Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Obama Helped Team Win For Scientists

Its appearance looks quirky and energetic. He talks fast, sometimes not so clear, maybe because the idea of ​​pop-popping in his head was too heavy to be disclosed.Hokky Situngkir did not like the profile of most researchers. At the age is still quite young, hundreds of scientific papers he has telurkan. His research has received recognition in various journals and international conferences.No fewer than five prestigious awards he Sabet in the last two years. The last he was rewarded Achmad Bakrie Award Award for 'Special Prize for Outstanding Young Scientists'.When met at his office in Bandung Sarijadi numbers, mid-August, Hokky back wearing "clothes of nationality": batik brown jacket wrapped in a blue logo of research institutions which he commanded: Bandung Fe Institute.To VIVAnews, 33-year man told various things, about batik, temples, fractals, corruption, until the issue of Century Bank. Here's an excerpt.Professor Yohanes Surya menggelari you as the 'Father of complexity Indonesia'. Just what is the complexity?Ah how could it be Sir John. I have not had a wife had no children say "father" ... hahaha.Complexity is a method, a different way of seeing. During this time, from small, since the elementary, junior high school, we stacked the various sciences, and then asked to choose majors. And only then was told to make the final project, thesis, thesis, where we asked for trouble, from piles of science earlier.Well, it's complexity rather than the reverse process. There are problems, then we define, then look for, what the science related to the issue.For example there is a problem of fuel or direct cash assistance (BLT). Then we are looking for, what areas related to the problem. Not only related to economic issues, he is also related to culture, geography, demographics. So in fact the social complexity of this changed the way alone.Because during this conventional system like that already, yes the solution is interdisplineritas. Since, in the 1980s when it appeared Chaos Theory, we can already conclude that there can be a problem that has an "ultimate solution". Therefore, all elements in nature are inter berinterrelasi. Interrelated. So now there is no time anymore arrogance-the arrogance of science domains.So to solve the problem BLT before, we have to involve economists, sociologists, demographers, clergy, humanists. Actually that simple, not complicated.With the complexity of the method, it means that mathematics can be used to analyze various kinds of problems?You could say that. To note, that mathematics is now arguably no longer as an exact science. Not anymore as the exact sciences, but as a science of patterns and probabilities or odds. So, nothing is certain. Similarly with the physics.Now mathematics can be extended to social studies full of uncertainty. The complexity of the definition is a system difficult to disentangle because the constituent elements of each roped-talian. However, there are now mathematical differentiation.When initially researchers apply mathematical differentiation into various fields and develop a system of this complexity?The first thing to do is alumni-alumni of the atomic bomb makers, who are members of the U.S. government's Manhattan Project. They consist of interdisciplinary researchers.After a nuclear bomb exploded in Japan, then they form the Santa Fe Institute. This is the first study center complexity. Hence, we also took the name Bandung Fe. Initially we just make a parody, but then even so serious.What's the story so you can claim that Borobudur Temple is a building that adopts the form of fractal (geometric patterns that can be divided again)?Borobudur is megastruktur. The amount asked for forgiveness, but has of detail. To build one like it, would require certain disciplines, such as architecture, structures (civil engineering). But two areas that require what is not possessed by our nation at that time, the standard measure of length, because it was not known to the standard meter, or some sort of standard cubit.In addition, it takes too eksperimaen-small experiments to test the structure. It's needed a model. Well, it was never known it. Never encountered the literature that leads to it.Moreover, the tools are simple to use. Because their way of thinking was simple as well as the Javanese that time.From there our initial suspicions. In the end the theory of fractals, chaos, and social complexity was concluded that not all of the complex was derived from the complex.Simple can also produce a complex.What simplicity which could result in a complex? Yes it was, construction of an organic system, which uses simple rules, namely the placement of stones. That hypothesis. Then we test. How to test it first to measure it first.We measured manually or with a GPS (Global Positioning System). From there we move to the computer. Then we made model. We tell the computer looking for, what simple rules that can produce similar buildings.After that we get the conjecture (estimated), the possibility that this was how they built the Borobudur. With computational modeling of cellular automata, it was found that the temple of Borobudur comply with rule 816 index for three-dimensional totalistic automata celullar.Our ancestors were expected to make the Borobudur by stacking blocks of rock in accordance with the binary '1 'to the decimal 816, the digits 5, 6, 9, and 10. Or in the number of blocks of stone: 4, 5, 8, and 9. In practice, the block of rock that could have been replaced by a stupa or a statue of Buddha, depending on terms of aesthetics.It can be proved also that Borobudur was building that is not purely two-dimensional, but also not a pure three-dimensional building. Therefore, although a three-dimensional buildings, if we look at the picture of Borobudur can also be interpreted as two-dimensional building.From this picture, for example, as if stupas on either side can be regarded as the smaller of the stupa stupa in the middle of the distance of each of the same. Whereas in its original condition, each of the stupa is the same size. It's just a little bay located on the back.What about the ratio of the proportion of 4:6:9 building Borobudur?4:6:9 ratio that the findings of Mr. P. Atmadi from Gajah Mada University. At that time, Borobudur restored by UNESCO. Because the top of Borobudur were damaged by buried inside the hill and dug, and they estimate the height of Borobudur.They study Buddhist literature. Relief at Borobudur it was an illustration of one of the Buddhist scriptures. And the book is filled with numbers. There was something that could be interpreted by the sizes of the temple include the legs, body, and head.Then Mr. Atmadi hypothesize that Borobudur adopt the ratio 4:6:9, which was filled with temples posture vertically or horizontally. Well, the ratio was then that we also check to the stupa, or stupika (small stupas). And it was all meet the 4:6:9 rule. So, we are embracing the findings of Mr. Atmadi, and we simulate it with computer.Then, how can you conclude that batik is also a fractal?The discovery of fractal batik as we did before Borobudur. I often engage serious discussions with many people. One time I had a discussion with an artist. Apparently, the image on one slide presentation that he has, like other forms of geometric patterns that we studied, which forms a fractal.The image was obtained from the temple and batik. Finally, we conducted the study along with Mr. Bambang Subarnas Falultas who was then Dean of Arts and Design University of Pasundan. Eventually we began to research and write a paper together.We found some evidence of mathematics in Renaissance painting, cubism, and others.Then the discourse developed here. We began to see batik. But we can not talk without data. We find the data anywhere. To the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Archives Institute, and others. Apparently, no one collects batik motifs.Finally, we began to collect himself. We came to the museum batik. We took pictures so that our collection there are hundreds. Now, we have thousands of collections. It seems no exaggeration to say we have a collection of the most complete Indonesian batik motifs. For the Javanese batik collection, our collection is probably not as complete as Sultan Palace. But, for all our Indonesian batik is more complete.After that, we check whether the batik really fractal, or at least, is there a conjecture (approximate) true that batik is a fractal.Apparently, we were shocked, because the results are indeed fractal. We got to check again, we attended the places of making batik. The results are surprising, it is true that they (our ancestors) did have applied fractal.So people who draw klowongan, people who make ornaments of harmonization, the coloring, is a different person. So, things are a complex of batik was actually derived from the simple things earlier.It must be admitted also that I had stress for about eight months, because we have not find out that there are math people in batik Indonesia. Indonesian people usually do not like the math.We kept thinking, is actually at the head of this batik makers what? How he sees the universe? Batik is actually not a fabric, but the painting, painted fabrics.We will not see 14-15 century paintings like the Mona Lisa, which made the Javanese.How could we not have a two-dimensional artifacts for expressing thoughts, but there are three dimensions, such as temples?Apparently, they did not draw as Westerners draw geometrically. But, they are using fractals. So when they draw the birds, they are not physical drawing birds. They liked to tell stories. Drawn precisely that the flight of birds.So digambarlah plane. Inside the plane there was self-similarity. There are wings on the wing in the wing at the wing. However, due to canting has limited resolution, the picture plane that has a limit.I suspect that, lest there Pythagoras in it. Pythagoras it was never a conflict with Aristotelian philosophy. But Pyhytagoras less and less developed, because there is a mystical element.They were amazed by the irrational numbers. There are two numbers are the result 1.2222 roots and they think it's God's number. But the Greeks were not too happy with things like that. That's what makes us was so stressful.Is it true that by lowering the formula batik, you can identify the genetic origins of batik, from Indonesia or not?Each batik got DNA. We create a tree based on DNA batik collections we have. Like human DNA, the DNA can be mapped using a computational batik. Can be seen related.For example humans, can be checked, oh was close with chimps. Human differences with the chimp just a percentage, but far from the amoeba and reptiles.Well, in batik we also have to apply something similar. We specify the dimensions fraktalnya. We also found it by accident. Initially fad. Data is a lot, we try komputasikan all existing dimensions. How Sumatra, Jambi, Padang, Kalimantan, Papua, and so on.Then, we sort fraktalnya dimension. Apparently, they really come together. Jambi gather, assemble Java. But, between Yogyakarta and Solo are different. With West Java is also different. Although the example they have a similar-similar motifs, such motifs plane.At first glance, plane in batik Solo, Yogya, and Garut, it's the same. But it turns out they have a fractal dimension of different characters. And it's hard difference. So this is not clustered based on similarity of motives, but he is clustered by region.So, with this method we could confront the claims of batik Malaysia.In addition to batik, whether tadisional other textile products in Indonesia also implemented a fractal?We hypothesize that way, but it's all right to be tested. Now we've got a map of batik.Besides, we also had our traditional songs, and also map the architecture of traditional buildings in Indonesia. We will also be added on. Later we will create a map of the traditional dances.The goal is, when will already have a lot of data, so we can have a kinship map of Indonesia. We can see the kinship with the Toraja people Batak, Javanese with the people of Lombok, was like what?Now, still very little we know. If we added this continues, he will be more detailed and better. This can be mapped cognitively, rather than geographically. It's important for the implementation of various policies. How best to implement new policies to the public.This will sharpen the policy could be taken.You've done the research to map the anatomy of corruption in Indonesia? Can you tell me about this research?Yeah right. So, in our study were used to define what it is corruption. Then, we make a model. We grow in the computer system corruption. We specify which agencies are involved in the system of corruption. We let them interact, transact, interact. Then came the dynamics of corruption.That became our laboratory. We're experimenting, if the parameters changed, like what would result? For example, we find out what happens when all the faithful? What if the salary is increased? What were the results?From earlier experiments, what should government do in order to successfully combat corruption?Sometimes we are confused and can not tell us now was in the domain where: legal, economic, cultural? In fact, corruption was purely legal issues. So should not we intervene stir.For example, the results of our research, it turns out the economy could grow by a corrupt structure. And when you eliminate the problem of corruption, may actually be able to collapse the economy. We've done this experiment in 2008, and research in India, citing the results of our study as well. The result is similar to our study.There is a certain threshold, where corruption is actually pushing the economy running.Well, that's the danger of such research results. Spooky is not it? In the end we have localization that corruption is a problem of law. That's it.Catch the criminals, do not pull-drag it to the economic problems, do not pull, pull it into statecraft, or to cultural issues. These legal problems.If there is an opinion, it is natural he is corrupt because the salary is small, it is wrong. It turned out that when we raise his salary, he was still corrupt. Because this is not a simple matter. We can not solve the problem of corruption is to simply raise salaries.We make the parameters of all the faithful, but still corrupt.Similarly, the freedom of the press. At some level, when we raise the level of press freedom, corruption may be decreasing. But there is a certain threshold when the freedom of the press continues to increase, it turns out the level of corruption came up.In addition, you also had reportedly researching Century Bank bail-out policy?Yes. When we calculate what the true conditions at that time have a chance of systemic or not. We create a kind of early warning systems. Apparently, there is a systemic opportunities. If not handled carefully, it can be dropped. Can go anywhere. Could spread to food prices, a staple. In fact, initially only slightly.But, I still disagree with the policy of Century Bank bail-out of this. For me it's bad. For example, a commissioner of banks performing well, add clients, investment smoothly.He can be a bonus.But there is a commissioner, the performance is bad, negative, go bankrupt, but then instead bailed out. Period he can be a bonus? Pedicab driver only if one-omelin diomel.Just when one taxi driver cursed address. Period banker failed, he became in-bail-out, may the winds of heaven. Unjust.Is it true that Obama's campaign team also uses the system complexity in their campaign?Clearly, Obama's victory was the victory of scientific. Victory methods. Campaign team was headed by David Axelrod. I happened to know him. When he's not so famous I never contact him several times. But, now he can hardly be reached.At Bandung Fe Institute stand, he also had love survived. To be sure many of the scientific community in the campaign. There are sociologists, game Theorist, who work on the Obama team. There Lakov George, an expert who connects between emotions, neurons, and politics; known as the moral politics, and others. They were assisted by many scientists.Means this field can also be used for the 2014 election?There was that we were prepared. Time of the election yesterday, in fact we already know the approximate percentage of the acquisition of SBY-Boediono, in advance.When the quick count result was announced I was immediately congratulated by my friends. Apparently, the true estimates. At that time I saw it from the legislative elections data, and then we mapped anyone to SBY.Make 2014 we set up some method that can be further examined later. The elections were interesting, because in it we celebrate a lot of data.If it is used to estimate the disaster?Can. Even the model was similar to the model estimates of capital markets. We also have had several discussions with friends in the office of Special Staff of the Presidential Disaster Area, Andi Arief. There is some work together, related earthquakes. It's kind of early warning system for earthquakes with seismic data. We were just able to complete data from antiquity.Actually what is your ambition in childhood so that you can like now?As a child I grew up in Medan. From elementary to high school. Since childhood I liked math and physics. I idolized Newton and Darwin. They were incredible, natural born Scientists. Any thrown to them, stripped naked, thrown into the street, they will still be a scientist.Since childhood I like to experiment. SD time I ever make acid detection experiments of the flowers in the yard. I try, I mashed fruit, sour when, she changed color. I continue to report findings.I read a lot about color from junior high school student's chemistry book a lodger in my house. So, since childhood, I love to read books of their boarding houses, including the college. I surreptitiously book. If you do not understand I ask what this is, what are you? I am often scolded for asking too many questions ... hehehe.Finally I had to find encyclopedia. To read it I had to come to the library area of ​​North Sumatra, far, away more than 30-40 miles from home. I usually go there to ride a bike.My favorite is the first encyclopedia Encyclopedia Americana 30 series.What is your current obsession has not materialized?None. My desire is simple. Indonesia was actually rich, but chaotic. I just wanted to Indonesia is to be prosperous, but not chaotic. Regularly. That's it, anyway. No other obsessions.For me to find something that delights. Not paid it. Especially if the discovery could be useful for others. For me, good science is science that must be useful. If science is not useful, leave it out.

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