Bad weather that hit East Nusa Tenggara the past few days caused the tornado andtidal waves.
Dozens of houses were reported damaged and hundreds of residents forced toevacuate to a safer location. Local authorities have deployed an emergency team toevacuate residents as well as distributing food aid.
In Kabupaten Kupang, a dozen homes suffered serious damage after a tornado hitmidnight Wednesday. Most people panic and jump out of the house after knowing her roof in the wind. No fewer than 11 houses in Independence Village, Kecamatan KupangTimur heavily damaged.
Gazperz Fernandez, Freedom Village residents say, the original sound of a scary roarand a few seconds later some of the roof of a house in the settlement of East Timoreserefugee camps in the wind as far as 50 meters.
"When the incident some family members were asleep. Fortunately, no casualties, "saidFernandez, Thursday, January 13, 2011.
As the results of monitoring, several homes suffered severe damage to flat ground. Not yet known total loss because the government deployed an emergency team was to collect data.
In Kupang, a similar disaster led to an office building and the Giro Pos Kupangcollapsed due to a large fallen tree crushed. Dozens of homes in the Village Oepura, District Maulafa landslides and its occupants had been evacuated.
In Maumere and Sikka regency Nagekeo District, dozens of houses were swept awayswept away by tidal waves as high as more than three meters. The number of residents who were evacuated to 500 people.
Deputy Governor of NTT, Esthon Foenay who contacted reporters when reviewing the location of landslides in the Village Oepura, Kupang, said the government would soondistribute assistance to residents affected by the disaster. "Each family will receive aidof rice and 250 kilograms banagunan materials," said Esthon.
Report: Jemris Fointuna | Kupang, umi
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